Policies and Procedures
Dress code
No denim, tee shirts, tank tops, swimwear, cut-offs, sweatpants, or athletic shorts while on the golf course. Men are required to wear shirts with collars and sleeves ( turtleneck or mock turtleneck shirts are permitted). Slacks or mid length shorts must be no shorter than two inches above the knee. Only spike less or soft-spike golf shoes are permitted.
Women are permitted to wear dresses, skirts, slacks, mid length shorts, and blouses. Only spike less or soft-spike golf shoes are permitted.
Inappropriately dressed individuals will be asked to change prior to using the facilities.
Pace of play
The acceptable pace of play for Longview is 4 hours 20 minutes.
Personal Coolers
The use of personal coolers are strictly prohibited. Coolers brought onto the golf course will be confiscated. Longview has alcohol licenses and will be glad to sell you your drinks and provide you a cooler.